Chapter 11
Gabrielle Roy
We learn about the life of author Gabrielle Roy through 4 chapters of her life. From her early life to teaching, journalism and her study of theatre. Gabrielle was a prominent author born in St. Boniface. She often would look out the window of her house at the open fields all around.
This experience will be overlaid on top of the Gabrielle Roy House. Stand within the grassy front yard area and face your device towards the home.
Gabrielle Roy’s Chronology (1909-1983)
1909 – Born on March 22 in Saint-Boniface, Manitoba.
1915-1928 – Student at St.Joseph’s Academy in Saint-Boniface.
1928-1929 – Pedagogical Studies at the Winnipeg Normal School.
1929-1930 – First positions as teacher, first in Marchand then in Cardinal.
1930-1937 – Grade 1 teacher at the Provencher School in Saint-Boniface (school for boys); is also active with the Cercle Molière.
Summer 1937 – Temporary teaching position at WaterHen.
1937-1939 – England and France: drama classes; travelling.
1939-1945 – Upon her return from Europe, Gabrielle Roy settles in Québec and lives on the revenue she makes from the sales of texts to various Montreal papers. At this time, she begins writing Bonheur d’occasion; she lives primarily in Montreal but is often away to Rawdon and Port-Daniel.
Summer 1945 – Bonheur d’occasion is published in Montreal.
1947 – The english version of Bonheur d’occasion, The Tin Flute, is selected as the book of the month by the Literary Guild of America; in June, Universal Pictures buys the cinematographic rights; in August, Gabrielle weds Marcel Carbotte; in September she is honored by the Société royale du Canada; in November, Bonheur d’occasion is awarded the Prix Fémina.
1947-1950 – At the end of September 1947, Gabrielle Roy and her husband leave for Paris where they will remain for three years; Gabrielle travels to Britain, Switzerland, and England.
1950 – La Petite Poule d’Eau is published in Montreal; the following year, this book will be published in Paris, and its English language version, Where Nests the Water Hen, will be published in New York.
1950-1952 – Upon returning from France, the couple settles first in Ville Lasalle, then in Quebec where Gabrielle Roy will live for the rest of her life.
1954 – Alexandre Chenevert is published in Montreal and Paris; the following year, its English language version, The Cashier, is published.
1955 – Rue Deschambault is published in Montreal and Paris; its English language version, Street of Riches, is published in 1956. Gabrielle Roy receives the Gouvernor General of Canada Award.
1956 – Gabrielle Roy is awarded the “Prix Duvernay”.
1957 – Gabrielle Roy purchases a property at Petite-Rivière-Saint-François where she will henceforth spend her summers.
1961 – Travel to Ungava, then to Greece with her husband; La Montagne secrète is published in Montreal in the fall, the following year sees its Parisian publishing and the release of its English language version, The Hidden Mountain.
Winter 1964 – Sojourn in Arizona at the time of her sister Anna’s death.
1966 – La Route d’Altamont as well as its English language version, The Road Past Altamont, is published.
Summer 1967 – A text titled Terre des hommes is published in the Montreal Expo Album; in July, Gabrielle receives the Order of Canada Award.
1968 – Honorary Doctorate from Laval University.
1970 – In March, Gabrielle travels to St.Boniface to be with her dying sister, Bernadette; in the fall, La Rivière sans repos, and its English language version, Windflower, is published.
1971 – Gabrielle receives the “Prix David”.
1972 – Cet été qui chantait, for which the English language version, Enchanted Summer won’t be released until 1976, is published.
1975 – Un jardin au bout du monde, for which the English language version, Garden in the Wind won’t be released until 1977, is published.
1976 – Ma vache Bossie, a children’s book, is published.
1977 – Ces enfants de ma vie, which is given the Governor General’s Award, and for which the English language counterpart, Children of My Heart, will be released in 1979, is published.
1978 – Gabrielle Roy receives the Molson Award from the Canadian Arts Council; Fragiles Lumières de la terre for which the English language version The Fragile Lights of Earth won’t be released until 1982, is published.
1979 – Courte-Queue, a children’s book which receives the “Prix de littérature jeunesse” from the Canadian Arts Council, and for which the English language version Cliptail is released the following year, is published.
1982 – De Quoi t’ennuies-tu, Éveline? is published.
1983 – July 13 – Gabrielle Roy deceases at Hôtel-Dieu Hospital in Quebec.
1984 – La Détresse et l’Enchantement, an autobiography, is published.
Preface — Do you feel a little breeze on the porch? It’s me… Gabrielle Roy. |
I am back and I see myself here in my hammock at the age of 8. I have whooping cough and I spend all summer here. |
In the clouds I see castles and horses and western explorers. That big cloud is Louis Riel, the father of Manitoba. |
He was the one who put French and English on an equal footing in the Manitoba constitution. |
In 1916, my first year of school, the Manitoba government passed a law banning the teaching of French. Louis Riel would have been really disappointed! |
Chapter 1 — My father, Léon Roy, he welcomes the people from all over the world! |
He is an agent of the Canadian government, helping immigrants from everywhere, to come and settle in the West. |
Today I hear my father’s tired voice from the kitchen as he returns from his long journey out West. |
I am surprised to see him arrive without his horse |
He was telling my mother how he had to convince a whole community to evacuate their homes and farms to save themselves from a prairie fire. |
But him, being the last to leave, my father hid in a well to save his life. And the horse never wanted to leave without him and he died in the fire. |
Chapter 2 — I have my first job as a teacher in Marchand, Manitoba. |
In this small school I am surrounded by Métis children. The day I arrive, my students and I go to see the lain-out body of a classmate who has died of tuberculosis. |
We cover her with wild roses to honor her. I learn more from the courage and resilience of these children than they do from me. |
The Dead Child is an account of this incident in the collection Enchanted Summer. |
Many of my short stories and novels were inspired by my years of teaching in Manitoba. |
The short story The Red Village is set in Cardinal, in the west of our province. |
The novel Children of My Heart was inspired by my seven years of teaching immigrant children at the École Provencher in Saint-Boniface. |
My last months as a teacher, before leaving for Europe, were spent in a remote area of northern Manitoba. |
Thirteen years later, my memories of this stay gave birth to my second novel, Where Nests the Waterhen. |
Chapter 3 — As a journalist, I have reported from the West with people from all over the world. |
In The Fragile Lights of Earth, you will find my writings about Hutterites along the Assiniboine River in Manitoba, Doukobhors, Mennonites, Sudetenlanders in Saskatchewan and Ukrainians in Alberta. |
Many of these newcomers were escaping from conditions of religious or political persecution in their native countries. |
No need to look halfway around the world to find examples of persecution. |
The Métis of Manitoba and Saskatchewan will tell you. There is persecution in every country and in every era of humanity, even today. |
Chapter 4 — In my life journey, I believe I have honored the values of Louis Riel. |
In grade 12, I won the highest awards given by the Association de l’éducation française for French and by the Department of Education for English in Manitoba. |
In my twenties, I was an actor in the French troupe of Le Cercle Molière and the English company of Winnipeg Little Theatre. I studied theater in England and France. |
During my 7 years as a teacher, I welcomed little immigrants from everywhere. |
And as a journalist, I met people from all over the world and told their stories, their dreams and their challenges. |
My books, many of which touched on the realities of other cultures, have been translated into 20 languages and have traveled around the planet. |
Perhaps Louis would be proud that in my own way, I have advanced his vision. |
Sa file tchu enne pchitte brize sul perron? Si mwé… Gabrielle Roy. |
Shu r’vnu pi j’m’vwè isitte, dan mon amak kan j’ava 8 z’anni. Jâ la kokleush pi shu lâ toutte l’iti. |
Dan li nuwaj, j’vwè di shâtô, pi di sh’fô, pi di ixploratur di l’Wess. Ste gro nuwaj-lâ, si Louis Riel, l’pérre dju Manitoba. |
Si lwi ki lâ mi l’fransa pi l’angla, mwèchyé mwèchyé dan la charte dju Manitoba. |
An 1916, ma premyerre anni d’ikol, l’gouvarnman lâ pâssi enne lwè divous ke l’fransa l’ita pu montri. Louis Riel l’ara iti bein dizapweinti. |
Mon pérre, Léon Roy, y r’swè dju mond di toutte la terre. |
Kom ein ajan dju gouvarnman canadjyein y’éde di z’imigran di toupartou dan l’mond, pour v’nir s’einstalli su li terre di l’Wess. |
Ojordjwi, j’antan d’la kwizinne, la vwè fachigi d’mon pérre, ke r’vyein back di son lon wéyaj dan l’Wess. Shu suprize k’y’arrive, pi k’yâ pâ son sh’fal, connè-tu l’nom d’son sh’fal? Non, moé non plu. |
Mon pérre y pans ke sh’pu pâ l’antand di mon amak, pi y konte a ma mérre, koman y lâ konveinku toutte enne belle komunôti ke grandjissa, a lessi leu mizon pi leu ferme pour si sôvi d’ein feu di préri. |
Mon pérre l’ita l’darnyé a parchir pi y s’y kashi dan ein pwi pour sôvi sa vi. |
L’sh’fal lâ jama voulu parchir san lwi, pi li morre dan l’feu. Jâ konti st’istwerre Le puits di Dunrea dan mon live Rue Deschambault. |
Ma premyerre job kom mitresse, sta a Marchand ô Manitoba. Dan ste pchitte ikol-lâ, sta yeink di z’anfan Méchisse. |
La journi ke sh’t’arrivi, mwé pi li z’ikolyi lâ iti vèyi ô korre pour enne ôt ikolyerre ky l’ita morte d’la tchuberkuloze. |
An ségne di respa, sa lâ mi di roze sâvaj partou su elle. J’appri pluss di si z’anfan-lâ, su dju kouraj pi su l’andjurans, k’izôt sa lâ appri di mwé. |
L’anfan k’ita morte si kousé ke jâ ikri dan mon live Cet été qui chantait. Bein di mi artchik pi di mi live, lâ iti ikri a kouze di mi z’anni ke sh’ta mitresse ô Manitoba. |
L’artchik Le village rouge, sa vyein di Cardinal, dan l’wess dju Manitoba. |
Li z’idi pou mon live Ces enfants de ma vie, sa vyein di mi sette z’anni avek di pchi z’imigran a l’École Provencher a Saint-Boniface. |
Avan ke j’parre pour l’Uroppe, mi darnyé mwâ kom mitresse, l’ita dan enne plasse bein lwein dan l’norre dju Manitoba. |
Tréze z’anni apra, mi souv’nir di stan-lâ m’a édi a ikrir mon deuziemme live La petite poule d’eau. |
Jâ fette di r’portaj dan l’Wess kom journalisse, avek di parsonne k’ita v’nu di partou dan l’mond. |
Dan Fragiles Lumières de la Terre, sa vâ trouvi kousé ke j’lâ ikri su li z’Hutterite dju lon d’la rivyerre Assiniboine ô Manitoba, su li Doukobhors, li Mennonites, li Sudètes an Saskatchewan pi li z’Ukrainiens an Alberta. |
Y nâ bein di si nouvô arrivan ki si sôve di danjé relijyeu oubindon pâlichik dju péyi divou ki sonta ni. |
Lâ pâ bezwein d’r’gordi a l’ôt boutte dju mond pour werre di ixanp di danjé. Li Méchisse dju Manitoba pi d’la Saskatchewan peu n’an djirre lon latsu. |
Mêm ojordjwi, y lâ d’la parsikusyon dan toutte li pèyi pi dan toutte li piriode di z’umein. |
Dan toutte li z’itap di ma vi, j’pans awerre ânâri li valeur di Louis Riel. |
Dan ma douziemme anni, jâ gagni li pri li pluss hô, danni par l’Assosiasyon d’l’Idjukâsyon pour li fransa pi par li Dipartman di l’Idjukâsyon pour l’angla ô Manitoba. |
Kan j’ava apeupra 20 z’anni, j’ita enne aktriss dan la troup fransêze l’Cercle Molière pi dan la troupe anglèze dju Winnipeg Little Theatre. |
Jâ ichudjyé dan téyât an Angleterre pi an France. Kom mitresse, j’a r’su di pchi z’imigran di toupartou dan l’mond. |
Kom journalisse, jâ rankontri dju mond di toupartou pi jâ konti leu z’istwerre, leu rêve pi kousé ki l’ita djure a ferre. |
Mi live, ke montra kousé ke d’ôt kultchur viva, lâ iti tradjwi dan 20 lang pi lâ iti anwèyi partou dan l’mond. |
Tedbein ke Louis Riel, y s’ra fyerre ke j’aye fette avansi sa visyon, a ma manyerre. |